postalreporter Reader Contacts OPM
Early Retirements Delayed
USPS: Limited Early Out would not
have precluded anyone's Retirement
leave conversion chart
New Buyout Rules On The Way
Check out "Rumors" page
Moratorium on excessing
beyond May 31
Early Out Retirement
Discussion Forum
From postalreporter "Bring On the Early Out" forum
post # 8050 (9/10/03)OK, I HAD MY VERA
In a nutshell:
1) You should have 3 benefits printouts each with a different date
from which to calculate, plus a sheet on Life Insurance
2) We will NOT be given the option of choosing the date of departure,
that is a HQ decision based "operational requirements"
(How can you plan for a second job/career when you don't even know
when they are going to let you leave? How many firms will keep a job
open for you on the vague promise that you might be available in 2
months, 6 months or 7 months?)
3) Health Benefits are carried over as is optional life insurance
(double check your coverage AND your potential needs together
4) ***Your Seminar Rep (mine had an assistant in tow) cannot comment
on plant closings, future VERA's, changes in the Federal Laws on age
55 or 2% penalty. They have NO idea, but mine said "Rumors... I will
believe a change when I SEE IT." (Shakes head.)***
5) If you have a seminar scheduled GET YOUR QUESTIONS WRITTEN DOWN,
6) Changes after you go out MUST be handled thru OPM (You have been
warned!), you will be given a PIN number to use
7) TSP CAN be withdrawn but the penalty before age 59 1/2 is
20%, you CAN leave it there as is and move the funds around after you
8) Will those who got LOI forms and responded be DENIED the VERA? "Not
likely...I can't see that happening."
9) What will happen to CSRS people who attend the Seminar but choose
not to take the VERA? "I can't tell you." (shakes head)
10) Are we put on a "special list"? (Shakes head VEHEMENTLY as does
assistant.) "No...no...nothing like that. Just keep coming to work."
11) Your excess AL arrives with your final paycheck. It is TAXED
12) You DO get COLA after retirement, you may actually get MORE than
employed USPS personnel
13) You MUST sign release papers, you CANNOT be forced out, you have
the right to decline the VERA
That's pretty much it. This two percent penalty is killing me. I will
likely not be able to go. (Sighs, resigned to six more years.)
This whole VERA came out of HQ. A few comments were made about how
badly this has been handled. The Rep nodded sadly but did not say
anything. I have no clue what questions any of you may have but that
is pretty much all I have to offer.
From postalreporter "Bring On the Early Out" forum
post # 3752 (7/2/03)First - I said a long time ago
that probably nothing would happen until after the Commission's
report. Mgmt. knows whatever they decide might/could be overridden
as fast as the Commission's report is on the table.
Second - I'll type as fast as I can the letter I saw today:
July 1, 2003
Memorandum for Manager, Human Resources (Districts)
Subject: VERA for APWU
We were advised today by HQ that approx. 58,000 APWU employees (in
the Clerk, Motor Vehicle Operator, and Maintenance Crafts) will be
provided a "Request for Interest" form and other materials regarding
early-outs under VERA. This will occur sometime around July 10th or
11th, 2003.
All completed "Request for interest" forms will go to Headquarters.
Clerk Craft employees will be given first consideration for the
VERA. A determination as to who gets offered a VERA will be made by
Headquarters (with input from the Areas and PCs) - based on
location, operational needs, excessing needs and overall needs of
the service.
In the near future, a package will be sent to you (Managers, Human
Resources, Districts) outlining the process to be followed,
including necessary timelines, in order to effect early-outs for the
initial group of employees exercising a VERA option - by the first
target date of Oct 31, 2003.
As more information becomes available, we will have a telecon to
discuss issues and concerns - either next week or after you receive
the package from Headquarters.
Obviously, one very important concern is the ongoing effort to
verify or update RTR records. Headquarters will be assisting us in
getting people trainer to identify and correct possible errors.
Finally, of note the USPS is requesting early-out VERA authority
from OPM for eligible Mail Handlers and EAS employees. A decision is
expected in approximately four (4) weeks.
Any question please call me or Gary Connely.
Gerald S Sanchez
Manager, Human Resources
Pacific Area Office
This is a message #1305 from the
Out forum . postalreporter takes no responsibility for its
accuracy. Paul B: I contacted the OPM and they were kind
enough to provide the following response. I found it interesting that
the Postal Service asked the OPM to hold their request without action
back in March. The response speaks for itself. I hope this information
helps all of you.
From: Davis, Judith A [JADavis@opm.gov]
Sent: Thursday, May 15, 2003 4:49 PM
To: (Name witheld)
Subject: OPM review of Postal Early Retirement Authority
Dear (Name withheld):
This responds to your May 15, 2003, inquiry regarding the United States
Postal Service's (USPS) request for voluntary early retirement authority
Although OPM received a request for VERA from the USPS in January 2003,
in March 2003, USPS officially asked us to hold their request without
action until OPM publishes new VERA regulations. The new VERA
regulations, which implement the provisions of the Homeland Security Act
(P..L. 107-296) and allow VERA to be used for restructuring rather than
solely to avoid reduction-in-force, are in clearance and will be
published in the Federal Register for public comment before they become
final. Any announcement on plans to request or offer voluntary early
retirement must come from the USPS. For further information, please
contact Ms. Susan LaChance, Manager, Selection, Evaluation, and
Recognition, at:
U.S. Postal Service Headquarters
475 L'Enfant Plaza, SW, Room 9671
Washington, DC 20260-4250
By statute, an agency must request VERA from OPM. OPM approves a VERA
request only if it meets the statutory requirements (i.e., an agency is
undergoing a major reorganization, reduction in force, or transfer of
function in which a significant percentage of the agency's workforce
will be subject to separation or demotion). Upon approval, an agency
should use the authority only to the extent necessary to achieve
voluntary reductions in the workforce made necessary by factors such as
lack of funds, shortage of work, reorganizations, or closures.
If I can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Judith A. Davis
Manager, Transportation, Commerce, Justice,
& Services Group
Center for General Government
Division for Human Capital Leadership & Merit Systems Accountability
Office of Personnel Management, Room 6484
Phone: (202) 606-2327 |
postalreporter received the following E-Mail From the
Office of Personnel Management (OPM) |
Name withheld by postalreporter
To: 'Lucille M. Caldwell'
Sent: Thursday, May 01,
2003 8:11 AM
Subject: RE: USPS Early
Out Retirement
The situation that you
described below, as I know it, is as follows:
The Postal
Service has requested voluntary early retirement authority (VERA) from
OPM. The request was made based on a need to reshape the workforce. The
existing VERA regs require that agencies request VERA based on a need to
downsize. They also require the agency to submit a RIF date.
USPS has an agreement with APWU that says that they will not run a RIF.
Based on that, OPM cannot approve USPS's VERA request until it revises
the existing regs to allow agencies to request VERA based on either (1)
a need to reshape its workforce or (2) a need to downsize.
The draft regulations have been approved by all parties who normally
review them, and now rest on the desk of the OPM official who can
approve them and send them to the Director for her signature. From
there, they will go to the Office of Management and Budget for further
review. After that, they will go directly to the Federal Register. This
is a process that cannot be shortened.
Here are a few
Voluntary Early Retirement
Homeland Security Act of 2002- Section 1313-
Early Out Retirement
News Recap
From the e-mailbag
"The early retirement
authority requested by USPS is awaiting publication of new early authority regulations--which we believe will be published
very shortly. Once they are published, we will give USPS's request
our full attention. It will be up to USPS to determine which employees,
geographic locations, etc, will be offered early retirement."
The above was received
from OPM via e-mail April 24, 2003 the author of the e-mail was the same
person from OPM who wrote the e-mail message on 2/14/03:
Added 4/4/03-
"The USPS has requested voluntary early retirement authority from the
Office of Personnel Management. This request is for "line" workers
within USPS. However, there are some issues concerning the request that
have not yet been worked out. Once these problems have been resolved, it
is likely that USPS will obtain voluntary early retirement authority.
At that point, they should be able to offer it to their employees in the
occupations, geographic locations, and organizations of their
choosing. We hope to resolve the difficulties with the USPS request
within the next two weeks or less." From OPM 2/14/03
I will continue to post any news I
receive in order to keep employees informed. However, nothing has
been substantiated as yet. postalreporter
From the Bring
on the Early Out Forum
Cholesterol Dan #771
04-28-2003 10:39 AM ET (US)
FLASH: I just got off the phone with the federal registry. It takes
three working DAYS, not weeks, to publish documents. Also, no documents
regarding postal early-outs have been submitted as of Monday April 28,
10:35 am, Eastern time.
Cholesterol Dan #773
04-28-2003 11:37 AM ET (US)
FLASH: I just got off the phone with OPM. I talked to a mid-level
manager. He told me that Post Office management did put in a request in
January to offer early outs, but that THE OFFICE OF PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT
TURNED IT DOWN! He went on to say that they are expecting the Post
Office to submit another request more to OPM's liking in late May to
early July. At that point, OPM might or might not accept the new
request. He said that the APWU was told LONG AGO to take misinformation
off their web site, but refused. In particular, the April 1 date, and
the statement that early-outs are promised, particularly offend OPM
Cholesterol Dan #774
04-28-2003 11:53 AM ET (US)
I just got off the phone with the union. I talked with the head of the
department handling early-outs. I told him wat OPM told me. (See my
previous post) He told me that he would look into it; that it was the
first he heard of it. I gave him the name and phone number of the
mid-level manager at OPM that I talked to.
Added 4/4/03-
"The USPS has requested voluntary early retirement authority from the
Office of Personnel Management. This request is for "line" workers
within USPS. However, there are some issues concerning the request that
have not yet been worked out. Once these problems have been resolved, it
is likely that USPS will obtain voluntary early retirement authority.
At that point, they should be able to offer it to their employees in the
occupations, geographic locations, and organizations of their
choosing. We hope to resolve the difficulties with the USPS request
within the next two weeks or less." From OPM 2/14/03
- Mike Causey Washington Post Staff Writer
October 14, 1992; Page d2
Agencies looking for a relatively painless, inexpensive way to cut
jobs without firing their newest workers will study the success rate
of the recent Postal Service buyout, and what happens when Defense
begins paying some civilians up to $25,000 to leave the payroll The
message seems to be: Make senior workers a decent financial offer and
stand clear of the doorway.
From Aug. 15 through Oct. 3, the Postal Service offered six-month
salary buyouts to workers who would retire. The agency had about
750,000 permanent workers during that time.
About 48,000 were qualified for regular retirement and 20,619 had
taken it as of last week. Under civil service rules, they could retire
at age 55 with 30 years' service, at age 60 with 20 years' or at age
62 with five years' service. Benefits are based on service and the
employee's high three-year average salary.
An additional 98,000 postal workers became eligible when the Office
of Personnel Management approved an early-out, permitting retirement
at any age after 25 years' service, or at age 50 with 20 years'
service. More than 25,500 took the early-out buyout.
Normally only about 6 percent take early-outs when offered. But
with the financial incentive, 26 percent of the eligible postal
workers took early retirement.
The Postal Service has extended the buyout offer through Nov. 20
for management personnel, but not for rank-and-file employees.
The success of the postal buyout will be good news to Defense and
other agencies that must cut payrolls in the next several years.
Without buyouts -- which Congress would have to approve for
other agencies -- employees with the least seniority, often young
workers, women and minorities, are the first fired. In addition to
severance pay, agencies must also pay unemployment benefits. Sometimes
the first-year cost of firing an employee is higher than keeping the
worker on the payroll.
Buyouts appear to be the answer. Few workers take early-outs now
because civil service pensions are reduced 2 percent for each year the
retiree is under age 55. Many workers won't accept that cut. But when
early retirement is offered with a cash payment, the acceptance rate
jumps dramatically.
Defense has yet to offer buyouts to any of its 1 million civilians.
But it now has the authority to give workers up to $25,000 if they
will quit, retire or retire early. Officials have stressed that
relatively few employees, about 5,000 a year, will get the offers.
Given the acceptance rate in the Postal Service, officials doubt if
they have to make many offers to get 5,000 takers a year.
Mike Causey Washington Post Staff Writer
October 1, 1992; Page b1
U.S. Postal Service managers who have been given another 51 days to
take a half-year salary bonus to retire or to try to survive in a
streamlined new headquarters must make the tough decision while being
bombarded with rumors about the shakeup of the government's biggest
agency They must decide whether the rumors are true, false or, as some
suspect, a form of psychological warfare being waged by management to
pressure them to leave or meekly take lower-level jobs.
At a special hearing yesterday chaired by Rep. William Clay (D-Mo.),
Postmaster General Marvin Runyon confirmed that employees who accept
downgrading to stay on the payroll are being asked to sign away their
rights to appeal to the Merit Systems Protection Board. Normally,
federal workers who accept downgradings or object to other
reductions-in-force related actions can later appeal to the board if
they feel they were misinformed or given confusing information from
Many postal employees believe they are being misinformed or given
confusing and incomplete informaton about the reorganization, according
to several members of the House Post Office and Civil Service Committee,
including Reps. James P. Moran Jr. (D-Va.) and Constance A. Morella (R-Md.).
When Runyon headed the Tennessee Valley Authority (earning the
nickname "Carvin Marvin"), carrot-and-stick incentives were used to
induce more than 11,000 workers to retire or quit. During that period,
there were 654 appeals to the Merit Systems Protection Board based on
allegedly improper reductions-in-force actions or procedures. Only nine
employees won their cases, although there were other cash payments and a
few reinstatements.
In August, the Postal Service offered employees the chance to sign up
for early or regular retirement by Saturday and get a six-month salary
bonus. About 42,000 signed up. But many are clerks and letter carriers.
Officials have decided to extend the buyout offer -- to management
personnel only -- through Nov. 20.
Meanwhile, many managers have complained -- to Congress, newspapers
and managers' organizations -- that highly touted programs to help them
find other jobs aren't working, that they are being kept in the dark
about the location and salary of out-of-town postal job offers.
An example of one headquarters rumor: Workers who refuse new
assignments soon would lose their headquarters passes and be told to
report to a special room in another building while their fate is being
decided -- and where they could ponder the buyout offer. Wild sounding,
yes, but unnerving. In the late 1980s, for example, a postal official in
Indianapolis required workers assigned to light duty because of illness
or injury to sit in a glass bullpen in the middle of the workroom floor.
The employees had to sit there for eight hours reading postal manuals
while their colleagues worked around them.
"Some of the rumors we are hearing are crazy," a congressional aide
said yesterday. "But the Postal Service is a big place, with a history
of bad management, violence. And this downsizing is a traumatic thing.
Mike Causey Washington Post Staff Writer
September 4, 1992; Page d2
So many employees have signed up for the Postal Service retirement
buyout -- more than 12,000 as of yesterday -- that the agency may have
to keep some people on the job past the Oct. 3 retirement cutoff date
Today is the deadline for workers to make a non-binding commitment to
retire or stay.
The service is offering a six-month salary bonus to workers who take
either regular or early retirement. Workers are eligible for immediate
pensions at age 55 with 30 years of service, at age 60 with 20 years or
at age 62 with five years of service. During an early-retirement open
window, employees can retire at any age after 30 years of service, or at
age 50 with 20 years of service. Annuities are reduced 2 percent for
each year the retiree is under age 55.
Although the Postal Service hopes to trim back its management ranks,
many of the employees who have signed up are clerks or letter carriers.
In some smaller offices, half the clerk-carrier work force will be
leaving in early October, prompting officials to set up a "holdover
period" that will allow them to keep some employees on the job through
Workers eligible for retirement have been told they must tell the
Postal Service today whether they plan to retire early or stay.
Officials say the information is for planning only and that employees
will be free to change their minds.
Officials and employees of the Defense Department -- which has 96,000
civilian workers in the Washington area -- are watching to see how the
postal buyout works. Both the House and Senate have separately
authorized a buyout plan for longtime civilian workers. The House bill
would give a six-month salary bonus to civilians, whether they took
regular or early retirement. The Senate bill would limit the payments to
$20,000 and offer them only to employees at bases or installations that
are not being closed.
At 10 a.m. tomorrow on WNTR radio (1050-AM), Thomas A. Glennon,
of the Office of Personnel Management, will talk about some of the
decisions workers face when offered early retirement or a buyout.