

postal employees, postal pocket scales, postal trucks or just postal

Art Stamps, Music, Computer Software,
Gifts |
PostalReporter.com |


Reference, Non-Fiction Books, Magazines,
Movies |
The Legal Rights of Union Stewards -by Robert M. Schwartz
The FMLA Handbook: A Union Guide to the Family and
Medical Leave Act
Robert M. Schwartz
FMLA: Understanding The Family And Medical Leave Act-
Will Aitchison 2003
in Time : True Stories of the United States Postal Inspectors-
Bill Phinazee and Larry Weaver tell what
it's like to be a United States Postal Inspector. |
Snail Mail Versus Email France
Bozeman was a mailman in Albany for 33 years. He started in the 1940's
when postal workers were paid about 75 cents an hour and a first-class
stamp cost 3 cents. In his book called "Snail Mail versus Email",
Bozeman shares decades of his adventures as a mailman and reflects on
the differences between those days and today's technologies.
Before Conflict-
Preventing Aggressive Behavior-Dr. John D. Byrnes, who coined
the phrase "Aggression Management" has conducted Aggression Management
Workshops for the Postal Service. Read
comments from postal employees on Aggression Management.
Web of Betrayal : A Work
Saga for the 21st Century
Ghannam is a former federal employee turned whistleblower. She suffered
a disability from her job and was basically threatened, denied her rights,
denied her compensation and made unemployable because of her former work
arena in the federal gov't. If you work for anyone but yourself,
you'll find this book a "legal-like" treasure."
Wendy's Article: Federal Workers Beware!!
U.S. Postal Service: Deteriorating Financial Outlook Increases Need for
by Bernard Ungar, Director,
Government Business Operations Issues, General Government Division
Management evolution-
False Prophets-The
Gurus Who Created Modern Management and Why Their Ideas Are Bad for Business
see review
The Hunt for the Anthrax Killer-by
Robert Graysmith
comprehensive work about the relentless
scientific manhunt to answer the question of who the anthrax killer was. |
Nelson Lichtenstein’s
State of the Union superbly surveys and analyzes how these dilemmas
of labor unions over the centuries |
Robert's Rules of Order (Newly Revised, 10th Edition)-Since
Robert's Rules of Order first was published in 1896, it's been the means
to orderly, smooth, and fairly conducted meetings
More Books, Movies |
-A Novel -by
J. Robert Lennon-Albert Lippincott is a
resident of Nestor, NY
--mailman extraordinaire, aggressively cheerful,
obsessively efficient. But Albert has a few things to hid
The Killer Postman -by
Reginald Buchanan a limited duty letter carrier
Delivering mail has its dangers—dogs, adverse weather, and
managerial guidance—but when people start turning up dead, delivering
mail is taken to a new and horrible level!
"Neither rain,
nor snow, nor hail of bullets..." Starring: Brad Garrett
(Raymond's policeman brother on CBS-TV's "Everybody Loves Raymond")
the P.O.'d Postal Worker-You
get a full 142 pages of art that will make you respect your local postal
worker, if not fear them. |
suspense and adventure books
Arcnam and
by Albert
Aloysious Waters, a Data Technician at the Greensboro, North Carolina
Bulk Mail Center
Chicken Beaks Revisited : An Hispanic Adolescence
is a story written by Fresno, Calif. Postal
Supervisor and part-time author Ben Romero
"Chicken Beaks Revisitedt ells a story about family, religion, and
values. This story, told through the eyes of an emerging teen, retraces
the lives of an Hispanic, Catholic family living in Northern New Mexico
during the 1960's.
Much Like Right and More Poems About Postal Life Part 2-K.D.
Greene’s book focuses on the experiences of postal workers, yet these
experiences could also be related to any career situation.
Greene is a native Los Angeles author and poet with 23 years of postal
experience |
Still Exists Today - A True Story of Racism in the United States Postal
Service: The Story Oklahoma Did Not Want Told -
by former Postal Clerk Raymond Christian
Ellis College Of New York Institute of Technology-The
Postal Service has an agreement with Ellis College to provide online courses
to all postal employees interested in earning an undergraduate degree
or MBA. Ellis offers a 10 percent discount for tuition to all postal employees.
This special tuition rate will remain in effect during the entire time
of the employee/student's matriculation. For more information about registration,
dates and classes, go to:
http://ellis.nyit.edu/usps |
Central Michigan University
Graduate Courses- The Postal
Service has an agreement with Central Michigan University to provide higher
education for postal employees online or at one of CMU's 60 locations
nationwide. CMU offers a 15 percent discount off the College of Extended
Learning graduate tuition rate. This special tuition rate remains
in effect during the entire time of the employee/student’s matriculation.
For more information about programs offered by CMU go to
http://www.cel.cmich.edu/usps/ or call (877) 679-1268.
Office Furniture-The Allsteel Office
Furniture contract is now offering Postal Employees discounted office
furniture for home use. As a postal employee, you now have the opportunity
to purchase an Allsteel Trooper chair for your home from Allsteel, Inc.,
the Postal Service's strategic partner for office furniture. The Trooper
chair is offered to employees at the same discount the Postal Service
receives. |
USPS has agreement with Strayer University to provide
higher education Online,
on-site at the
Bolger Center in Potomac, MD, or on-campus. A national discount of 10%
was recently negotiated, and in addition, Strayer University will waive
all application fees for USPS employees. The reduced tuition will take
effect with the winter, 2004 session (USPS) 12/30-Strayer
University USPS website