News from Postalblog
USPS Management Proposing A New Retirement System
Under the Postal Reorganization Act, the
Postal Service is obligated to provide wages and benefits comparable to
those provided in the private sector. However, Postal Service management
believes that the FERS system is more costly and does not compare to
retirement benefits provided in the private sector. Comments
PMG Tells Senate: USPS in Midst of Financial Disaster, Liquidity Remains Dangerously Low
financial condition is so precarious, and the legislative
process is so uncertain, we’ve reached the point that we have to consider
price increases above the rate of inflation,” said Donahoe. In
Senate Testimony, Guffey Blasts Carper-Coburn Postal Reform Bill
PMG: No PO or mail processing center closures during
postal reform bill debate |
Senator McCaskill Aims for Responsible Postal Reform
NALC: Few surprises in first of two hearings on S.
GAO: USPS Proposed Health Plan Could Improve Financial Condition, but Impact on Medicare and Other Issues Should Be Weighed before Approval
The U.S. Postal Service (USPS) would likely
realize large financial gains from its proposed health care plan,
primarily by increasing retirees’ use of Medicare. Some elements of USPS’s
proposal would add uncertainties that could reduce funds available for its
employees’ and retirees’ future health care. GAO:
USPS Healthcare Plan Would Hurt Medicare, Postal Worker s |USPS
Plan to Pull Out of Fed Health Benefits Could Cost Postal Workers
USPS Plan: Make Medicare Pay Our Bills Comments
Video: Caring California Letter Carrier gets $500 from co-worker via TV show
Kevin Wonten wanted to pay it forward to his
long-time friend Frank Betancourt. Both men are veteran letter carriers
with the United State Postal Service.
Comments (Count)
Responds to GAO Report On USPS Healthcare Plan
Post and Pa rcel -
Without addressing the cost issue in a responsible way, the Postal Service
may be unable to afford to provide health care benefits to retirees. Our
proposal assures that we will. Comments
Seeking National Contract for Rental, Leasing of Minivans & Cargo Vans
According to USPS: Presently, there are not sufficient capital funds to
purchase new equipment. Comments
USPS Loss For January 2013 $437 Million -- Year To Date loss for FY 2013 $1.7 billion
- USPS reported a net operating loss of
$437 million for the month of January 2013.
Comments (Count)
USPS To Close Wichita Remote Encoding Center --797 employees affected
The U.S. Postal Service today announced the
Wichita Remote Encoding Center (REC) will close no
sooner than September of 2013, as technology enhancements have made the
need for RECs virtually obsolete.
Comments (Count)
USPS to Launch New Product Line of Apparel and Accessories
The agreement leverages Postal Service
intellectual property by introducing the Rain Heat & Snow brand of apparel
and accessory products. Comments (Count)
USPS spending $2.2
million to send execs to National Postal Forum
Documents obtained by MacFarlane
show the event will cost the agency approximately $2.2 million,
including travel and $220,000 for exhibit space.
Postal Service Defends Pricey Conference|
National Postal Forum Is NOT a Party
Lawmakers demanding answers over postal
conference |
Video from
KTVU 2: :USPS conference
Comments (Count)
24 Senators Urge USPS not to take any
action on eliminating Saturday
mail delivery unless authorized by Congress
On February 15, 2013 24 members of the Senate wrote to Postmaster
General Patrick Donahoe to express their concerns on USPS' intent to end
Saturday mail delivery service in August and its legality.
Comments (Count)
USPS Announces Moratorium on DUO and POStPlan Implementation
Postal officials notified NAPUS that Delivery Unit Optimization (DUO)
implementations and Post Office closures will be suspended temporarily
starting Monday, November 19 and continuing through Friday, January 4,
Comments (Count)
USPS, NALC Sign Agreement to convert 6,000
PTF carriers to full time, hire 3,400 TEs
Comments (Count)
USPS Management and Privatizers: Reading
from the Same Script
Congress must make Postal Service a priority |
GOP Sets Postal Service On Fire and Demand They Put Themselves
Arbitrator Orders Los Angeles
District Manager to Apologize to Employees For Fired Abusive
goes after the Los Angeles District Manager for their lack
of enforcing their own "ZERO TOLERANCE" policy. The district
Manager has to now do a written apology to the employees at
the Redondo Beach California Office."
Postal Service
Set to Default on Billions in Health Payments
New PMG Video To Employees
explains how USPS will continue moving forward
Donahoe tells employees
that new service standards were instituted July 1. The new
standards will allow the Postal Service to consolidate up
to 140 network facilities, while still providing excellent
service to customers. Updated with video. |
Romney Working To Eliminate
The US Postal Service
Mitt Romney and his economic advisors like Kevin Hassett have
a clear message in how a Romney administration would address
the US Postal Service. It’s fairly simple they would eliminate
it. ” .|
Editorial: Who is Stephen
Crawford and How Will He Affect the Post Office?
Issa targets six-day provision
in appropriations bill
Rural Carriers have a New
In an interest
arbitration award dated July 3, 2012, the NRLCA and USPS finally
have a new National Agreement, which is effective from November
21, 2010 through May 20, 2015.See
Arbitration Award
USPS Ends FY Second Quarter With $3.2
Billion Lost – YTD $6.5 Billion
The Postal Service continues
to suffer from a severe lack of liquidity caused by over $25
billion of cumulative net losses in the past five fiscal years
which included $21 billion of Congressionally-mandated payments
for prefunding retiree health benefits
reports that pre-funding accounts for $6.2B of the $6.5B in
red ink. |
USPS Defaults on $5.6 Billion for Future Health Benefits
The U.S. Postal
Service on Monday defaulted yet again on a prepayment for the healthcare
of its future retirees as its finances remain in the red and legislative
reform remains elusive
Senators Carper and
Coburn Issue Statements Comments
Federal Judge blocks sale of historic post office in Stamford, CT
U.S. District Judge granted a temporary restraining order
last week to group who claims USPS failed to follow proper procedure in
closing the facility and didn’t take the $5.5 million high bid for the
building last year (USPS accepted bid of $2 million .
Lawsuit Filed to Protect Endangered Stamford, Connecticut Post Office Comments
OIG Report Say USPS Retiree Health Care Benefits Liability Is $2.3 Billion Higher This report presents the results of our
self-initiated review of Using U.S. Postal Service-Specific Assumptions
for Calculating the Retiree Health Care Liability . Our objective was to review the assumptions used for the
Postal Service’s retiree health care liability calculation and determine
what effect those assumptions may have on the retiree health care
liability calculation estimate
OIG Report: USPS FERS Surplus $12.5 Billion and Not $3 Billion
Demographic differences between
Postal Service and other federal employees impacted the calculation of the
FERS liability estimate. Specifically, Postal Service employees have
distinguishing employee characteristics (salary growth, termination,
retirement, disability, death, and life expectancy) that the OPM does not
take into consideration when applying actuarial assumptions.
USPS CSRS Liability Should Be Reduced by $1.3 Billion
- Postal Employees have higher life expectancy than other Federal
Employees Comments
PRC to Review USPS Request for Annual and Exigent Rate Adjustments
Video: USPS collection mailbox set on fire in
Sheboygan, WI
Fire damages Kitts Hill, OH Post Office
Outburst at
Man’s Hearing in Postal Worker Deaths
Shortchanging postal customers; Closing regional sorting centers harms small
businesses and postal patrons
Google’s BufferBox Expands Its Shipping Kiosk Service For Parcel Pickups To San
Santa Clara residents resist plan to close
downtown post office
Post office goes
small: Kiosk-type post offices springing up to replace
traditional locations
USPS considers downsizing three Charlotte locations
September 29, 2013
FSS Postage Rates Will Raise Issues for Cataloguers,
Publications, Printers, and USPS Because of a provision in the recently
announced postal rates, mailers and printers have four months to overhaul
the way they prepare catalogs, magazines, and other flat mail. The coming
changes raise a variety of uncertainties for flats mailers, printers, and
the U.S. Postal Service itself. And they will make it difficult for many
mailers to project how much the new rates will cost them.
NALC President explains to Senate why Carper-Coburn Bill would be damaging to USPS
Rolando indicated that NALC and the Postal
Service were working together to develop a set of FEHBP reforms that would
achieve this goal, which the union could support as part of an overall
package of acceptable reforms to strengthen the Postal Service. Comments
USPS Takes
Kingsport, TN post office off the market
Rochester: USPS truck stolen at gunpoint
Postal Service refuses to release Lecompton revenue figures
Village Post Office Opens At Express Auto in Tiltonsville
September 28, 2013
Profiting from the 3-cent increase on postage stamps?
economist and a journalist) provide a step-by-step guide to profiting from
the 3-cent increase on postage stamps scheduled for Jan. 26, 2014 Comments
Lady Justice turns a blind eye: The PRC
dismisses the Freistatt appeal as untimely
Sentencing of postal worker who admitted embezzling postponed
September 27, 2013
OIG is Officially Closed due to government shutdown
USPS OIG Shutdown Plan to OMB
The OIG estimates that it will take no more than a full day to complete
the shutdown
PRC Closed Due to
Government Shutdown
Shutdown Plan for the Postal Regulatory Commission
Furloughed Employees will be
placed in a leave without pay status for the duration of the furlough
Postal Service open for business
Why the Exigent Postal Rate Increase Will Backfire
Let’s be honest: Given the U.S. Postal Service’s dire financial condition,
the 4.3% emergency rate increases it announced yesterday are hardly
exorbitant. That won’t prevent the move from being a disaster for nation’s
mail system. I have little doubt that some Congressman will blast the USPS
Board of Governors for putting forth relatively small “exigent”
(greater-than-inflation) price increases. But the micro-managers on
Capitol Hill, who should be focused on getting their own house in order,
need to understand why the governors aren’t pushing for more. Affordable
Mail Alliance Stands United in Opposition to Exigent Rate Increase
Mailing Industry Suffers Setback in Fight to Ward Off Exigent Postal Hike
Sorting machine downgrade could be beginning of the end for Roanoke Mail
Distribution Center
Proposed 2014
Promotions and Incentives, from the USPS Price Filing
Juneau: 83-year-old strikes post office with vehicle
Escondido fighting post office closure
officials to meet with Rolling Meadows residents
British Postal Service Valued at $5.3 Billion in I.P.O
September 26, 2013
GAO: USPS Health and Pension Benefits
Proposals Involve Trade-offs
GAO has reported that Congress needs to modify the U.S. Postal Service’s
(USPS) retiree health benefit payments in a fiscally responsible manner.
GAO also has reported that USPS should prefund any unfunded retiree health
benefit liability to the maximum extent that its finances permit.
Deferring funding for postal retiree health benefits could increase costs
for future ratepayers and increase the risk that USPS may not be able to
pay for these costs. Key considerations for funding postal retiree health
benefits include Comments
GAO: Information on USPS Workforce Injuries Arising During Mail Delivery
GAO obtained and reviewed 2009 through 2012
USPS data on workforce injuries by various route types (as classified by USPS's Office of Safety and Health, Employee Resource Management),
including data on the frequency, circumstance leading to injury, and the
severity of injuries Comments
There's no stamp for that: Postal Service’s 83-acre Bolger Center running
a result, although the Postal Service reported a loss for the facility of
about $3.5 million in FY 2012, it saved about $4.5 million in hotel and
meal costs by conducting Postal Service events at the Bolger Center,
instead of using an outside hotel and conference center. Comments
Shades of deception: The PMG testifies to the Senate
There was one brief exchange between Senator Coburn of Oklahoma and the
Postmaster General Patrick Donahoe that’s worth noting. They are
discussing the impact of labor on costs. Senator Coburn: It is presently
the law that an arbitrator cannot consider the financial health of the
Postal Service in arbitrating a contract. Is that correct? PMG Donahoe:
That is correct. The problem here is that the senator offered a false
premise— in point of fact, arbitrators can consider the financial health
of the Postal Service — and then Mr. Donahoe confirmed the senator’s
premise. The PMG thus gave false testimony in a Congressional hearing.
Never mind, Donahoe stated in the hearing that he "misspoke" Comments
Video: USPS bio-terror program maybe coming to an end
USPS and Department
of Health and Human Services has asked Congress for $5 million to fund
the bio-terror program an additional 3 years. Without it they cannot
expand to other cities or maintain personnel already trained to respond in
the event of a bio terror attack. A Government shutdown could mean an end
to this particular program. Comments
Video: USPS
claims immunity after allegedly wrecking car
September 25, 2013
U.S. Postal Service Announces New Prices for 2014
The United States Postal Service today announced proposed price changes,
including an increase in the price of a First-Class Mail single-piece
letter from 46 cents to 49 cents. The proposed changes, which would go
into effect in January 2014, are intended to generate $2 billion in
incremental annual revenue for the Postal Service Chairman of USPS Board of Governors Explains Vote For Rate Increase
Carper Statement on Postal Service’s Rate Increase
Association of Magazine
Media Reacts to USPS Exigency Filing
American Forest & Paper
Association Opposes USPS Postal Rate Increase Plan
CHART: Even With 3-Cent Hike, Postage Still Cheap by Historical Standards Comments
Audit: Postal Service made $1.3B in ‘non-competitive purchases’
The U.S. Postal Service bought $1.3 billion worth of goods and services in
recent years without resorting to competition, according to a newly
released inspector general’s audit. Of those “non-competitive purchases”
made in fiscal 2011 and 2012, about $210 million (16 percent) lacked
documentation to justify the use of a sole-source approach, the IG’s
office estimated. Employees also “were unaware of policy, did not explore
all alternatives practicable in their justifications not to compete
purchases, and did not always obtain required contract documents from
international suppliers due to cultural and language barriers,” the audit
report said. Comments
Video: PMG Looking at plan to generate additional funds
PMG Patrick Donahoe on Fox Business News Channel about efforts to boost
revenue and cut costs for the USPS. Comments
Berkeley: Hancock resolution supports post
office protection
Man buys Aripeka post office; wants mail
Post Office Investigating Missing Mail in Canton, MA
September 24, 2013
USPS Reports Net Income Loss of $648 Million for Aug 2013
The US Postal Service filed its eleventh
month preliminary financial report of the 2013 fiscal year (unaudited)
with the PRC . USPS reported a net
operating loss of $648 million for the month of August 2013 Comments
OPM Announces 2014 Federal Employees Health Benefits Program Premium Rates
The U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM)
has announced the average premium rate for the 8.2 million people covered
by the Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) Program will increase by
3.7 percent in 2014. That percentage is only slightly higher than last
year’s increase of 3.4 percent and less than the national average increase
in 2013. Comments
USPS Capital Metro Area VP Dave Fields will retire Oct. 3
As the Capital Metro Area VP since 2011,
Fields has overseen gains in service performance and scanning rates,
repeatedly earning first place among all areas in weekly scanning
performance rankings. He also has managed several high-profile pilot
projects in his area, including
gopost and
the Amazon proof-of-concept project. Comments
Man pleads guilty in aggravated robbery of
Lawtell, LA post office
DOJ: The Postal Service 'Forever' Linked
to 'Sordid Scandal'
What we have here is a failure
to communicate: Learning from Jekyll Island
Editorial: Congress doing what
snow, rain & gloom of night can’t
Feds Reject Armstrong's Motion
To Dismiss Whistleblower Suit
USPS Eyes Sale of Lowell's Phoenix Ave. Site
September 23, 2013
NAPS: Senate Hearing to Focus on Postal Health Care Benefits
Thursday's Senate postal hearing will focus
on the Postal Service's top legislative priority -- authorizing USPS to
establish a postal-only health plan for its active and retired workers,
one better integrated with Medicare to receive federal subsidies and bring
down premium costs. Donahoe is expected to suggest at Thursday's hearing
that the cost savings delivered by a USPS health plan.
Outside the Box: Reforming and Renewing the
Postal Service, Part II-
Thursday’s hearing will focus on promoting a 21st Century Postal
workforce, including postal health benefit proposal
Testimony of
Fredric V. Rolando Before Today's Senate Hearing (PDF
Summary of today's Senate
hearing on the USPS
Future of
Postal Employees’ Health Care Uncertain as Senate Moves Forward With Reform Comments
Video: Senator Sanders: Big Money Bullies - GOP, A party who are beating up on helpless people-From Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) House
Republicans are trying to undo the Affordable Care Act, throw millions of
children and the elderly off food stamps and continue across-the-board
sequestration cuts that have slashed Head Start, Meals on Wheels, home
heating assistance and other programs. That’s just the agenda for this
week when the Republicans are using the threat of a government shutdown on
Oct. 1 to try to get their way. Comments
Rarest Stamp
Error in U.S. History Reprinted
Maine Mailman
files complaint after allegedly seeing resident ‘buck naked’
Postal Service Inducts Ray Charles into
Music Icons Stamp Series
to Pushing the Envelope: William H. Gross Stamp Gallery at National Postal
Do Amazon's Lockers Help Retailers? Depends on What They Sell
The alcohol is in
the mail?
Maybe the U.S. Postal Service can't be profitable
Privatizing the Postal Service is a Bad
Idea, and the UK Has Proof
Postal Service Prepares to Sell Email
September 22, 2013
Aripeka, FL residents work together to bring back their mail service
Postal Service, Americana and an eBay auction
Vancouver, WA: Letter Carrier and Neighbor help woman
escape from burning house
September 21, 2013
USPS consultant to divine future of stamps under $500K+ contract
What might the future hold for the humble postal stamp? The U.S. Postal
Service is paying a New York consulting firm named Faith Popcorn’s
BrainReserve more than a half-million dollars to find out. “Who will be
buying stamps in 2019, 2024 and 2034? What will they be used for?,” reads
the company’s statement of work for the $566,000 task order awarded last
month. “How can we embed innovation and new thinking into stamps, to
engage America’s coming generations and the [USPS’s] existing and new
customers?” Comments
Exigent Postal Rate Increase Expected Next Week
Expect a request for an exigent rate increase
to be filed by the Postal Board of Governors when they meet in Kansas
City, KS, next week. That’s the dire warning from direct mail industry
officials following hearings held by the Senate on the Postal Reform Act
(PRA) yesterday.“It was pretty obvious after listening to the Postmaster
General that the Board of of Governors is ready to file an exigent rate
increase, so I think the industry should be prepared for that,” says DMA
SVP of Government Affairs Jerry Cerasale, who testified before the U.S.
Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
To Be
or Not to Be a Monopoly
World’s Largest Stamp Gallery Opens Sept.
22 at National Postal Museum
Former letter carrier must repay $18,000
he defrauded workers’ comp
18 Percent Of Americans Expect Death To Be
Their Retirement: Study
Federal TSP millionaire tells how to join
the club
sculptor wins historic settlement from Postal Service in copyright case
The return
of a loop-de-loopy postal mistake
from Crystal Lake Injured in Traffic Accident
Tiny Rolling Hills post
office will close after more than 75 years of operation.
Mailing Industry Denounces Proposal to Give USPS More Control Over Pricing
Postal Service to default on retiree health care payment - again
Force PX's, Commissaries and Exchanges to Stop Selling 891 Magazines (PDF)
Chattanooga Postal Worker Caught Mishandling Packages
$25,000 reward offered in Studio City post office robbery
UPS to expand in FedEx's home base, bringing jobs, competition
September 20, 2013
NPMHU Files Unfair Labor Practice Against USPS for Unlawful Formation of Lean Mail Processing Teams
the Union asserts that the USPS
violated Sections 8(a)(1) and 8(a)(2) of the Act through the unlawful
formation and domination of labor organizations in the form of so-called
Lean Mail Processing Teams. .Comments

Encampment, WY residents Want Postmaster Ousted
through firing or transfer. No misconduct has been found so far, though
residents don’t believe they’re getting the service they deserve.
many have to have a Post Office box to receive mail unless they’re on the
rural route, several residents’ mail is apparently just not getting
delivered, or getting delivered to the wrong address.
A public meeting to discuss the behavior of the Encampment/Riverside
postmaster took place at 7 p.m. About 70 people attended, and testimony
was heard for more than an hour. Comments
Postal Service eyes digital dollars
The Postal Service Could Be Totally Out of
Cash by November
Postal Service to default on retiree
health care payment - again
Gun traffickers going postal
Saving the Postal Service's New Deal
"Makes no sense at all": Ewa Beach Post
Office headed for closure
Democracy rests finally upon us: Saving
the Bronx General Post Office
Postal Service closes Stamford CT post
office: A "relocation" with no new location
September 19, 2013
PMG Tells Senate: USPS in Midst of Financial Disaster, Liquidity Remains Dangerously Low
Postmaster General Patrick R. Donahoe told a
U.S. Senate committee today that the U.S. Postal Service is in the midst
of a financial disaster and that its cash liquidity remains dangerously
low. Donahoe is seeking legislation that will enable the Postal Service to
act with speed and flexibility in the mailing and shipping marketplace and
help it close a $20 billion budget gap by 2017. “Unfortunately,
because our financial condition is so precarious, and the legislative
process is so uncertain, we’ve reached the point that we have to consider
price increases above the rate of inflation,” said Donahoe. In
Senate Testimony, Guffey Blasts Carper-Coburn Postal Reform Bill
Coburn Blasts Rate Cap in Postal Hearing
PMG: No PO or mail processing center closures during
postal reform bill debate |
Senator McCaskill Aims for Responsible Postal Reform
NALC: Few surprises in first of two hearings on S.
The Postal Service’s 30-Year Relationship with Email
The federal government, a key innovator in
the early years of computing, knew at least 30 years ago that email was
going to disrupt the United States Postal Service
Email is not
a threat, U.S. postal service told Wired in 2001
A voting risk in using stamps that lack
traditional 'postmark'
Lack of postmark could make some balloting
materials invalid, commissioners are told. Reid said that consumers could
avoid difficulty by avoiding print-on-demand stamps with barcodes. Another
idea: "The best way to ensure a postmark," she added, "is a one-to-one
transaction with a Postal Service employee. Comments
Post office offers $25,000 for attempted
abduction of Virginia mail carrier
FedEx to
increase shipping rates for 2014
September 18, 2013
OIG: USPS Followed Policies When Returning Limited Duty and Rehabilitation Employees To Work
This report presents the
results of our audit of the U.S. Postal Service's Limited Duty and
Rehabilitation Employees Returned to Work
The report responds to a request from the U.S. Postal Service’s Office of
General Counsel due to a recent class action case that alleges violations
of the Rehabilitation Act.1 Our objective was to determine whether Postal
Service officials followed applicable policies and procedures when
returning limited duty and rehabilitation employees to work. Comments
USPS Focuses on Bringing the Mail and Digital World Together
his annual state of the business address to the mailing industry,
Postmaster General and CEO Patrick R. Donahoe today said by effectively
leveraging data and new technology, mail can be much more powerful and
competitive than other marketing channels. Comments
Protesters occupy postal management offices, demand end to privatization
Eleven protesters invaded the office space of Portland’s senior US Postal
Service management today. Slipping past security barriers on the third
floor of the Main Post Office, the group occupied the hallway outside the
offices of Brenda Jackson, transportation manager for the Portland
6 district Comments
Aripeka residents: Post office was for more than just mail
iPad App sends handwritten cards
in the mail
Ohio Post Office Reopens After
Woman Crashes Into Lobby
The U.S. Postal Service doesn’t
know how to make friends in the Santa Fe area
Sutersville PA residents fight for post office
Canada Post: Yukon residents complain of waiting weeks for post office
deliveries while worker goes on holidays
September 17, 2013
USPS: Headquarters organizational changes
USPS is making changes in the Marketing and Sales structure at
headquarters to increase strategic alignment, streamline operations and
take advantage of natural synergies among coordinating work groups. Comments
Pleasant Hill, CA post office to remain
open and share use of building
USPS Contract Driver admits to theft of
diamond rings and Sports Cards from Mail
Seven Colorado Post Offices Return to Full
Ex-postal worker in MS pleads guilty to mail theft
Handle with care: guns, grenades arriving in Canada by postal
Suspicious postal packages lead to
sophisticated pot operation
USPS: Flag at half-staff For Victims of
Sept. 16 Shootings
Homeowners upset over plan to relocate
Should You Go Paperless?
- Answer...probably not.
Great Expectations of Online
Parcel workers’ union wants labor
board to void UPS-Teamsters contract
September 16, 2013
Selects Company to design-build a $42 million facility in Houston, Texas
The renovation (713,000 square feet) and expansion (319,000 square feet) Comments
APWU: Guffey to Testify Before Senate Committee
APWU President Cliff Guffey will testify
before the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee on
Sept. 19. The hearing will address “reforming and renewing the Postal
Service” and a bill proposed by Cob Comments
Photos: Letter Carriers Delivering Mail During Colorado Flooding
And USPS Service Alert - USPS is closely monitoring conditions in the
Boulder Colorado area. Due to widespread flooding and road closures,
delivery has been impacted Comments
USPS using innovative marketing for
Inverted Jenny FDOI
Ohio: Post Office Closed After Car Crashes Through Lobby
50-year-old eastside post office closing
Million-mile man: Montana postal worker honored for safe driving
September 15, 2013
USPS OIG Q & A on Postal Management's Proposal For a New Retirement System
Update: Don Cheney discovered another typo in the OIG's solicitation-
The USPS OIG has posted Questions and Answers
on the retirement benefits study. The amendment is the USPS OIG's second
attempt at trying to correct mistakes made in the first Questions and
Answers. The USPS OIG explained Amendment 2 as "The purpose of this
amendment is to correct the answers to the questions posted in Amendment
1." Comments
USPS Help Man's Already Dismissed $341.99 Insured Mail lawsuit Get Reopened
This is a case that had the District
court judge basically shaking his head in disbelief. As the judge noted:
"the Postal Service inexplicably snatched defeat from the jaws of victory
by filing a notice of removal and thereby shifting the plaintiff’s motion
for reinstatement of the complaint—and presumably the entire case—into
federal court. The Court also finds that the Postal Service has clearly
and unequivocally chosen the federal court path in adjudicating this
$341.99 claim, despite the fact that leaving well enough alone would
certainly have been the easier, less-costly, and more efficient option for
resolution of this dispute." Comments
Groundhog Day at the Post Office: Time for an exigent rate increase,
Over the past few years, we’ve watched thousands of towns fighting to save
their local post office. We’ve seen postal workers demonstrating on the
street to protect their jobs and benefits. We’ve heard from individuals,
small businesses, newspapers, and many others about how much they depend
on the postal system. It's clear that the postal system represents much
more than a means to deliver advertising. The postal network is a
fundamental and essential infrastructure that sustains our basic
democratic values Comments
Postal customers preparing for curbside delivery
A recent request sent in a letter to postal
customers throughout the United States asking that they erect postal boxes
for curbside delivery was taken so seriously by customers in Woodward, OK
that many local hardware stores have run out of postal boxes and supplies
for the task, Montegue said. "It was a national initiative where we asked
postal customers to voluntarily move there boxes from their homes or doors
that require walking delivery out to the street for curbside delivery,
Montegue said. The goal, Montegue said, is to have all curbside boxes in
place by Sept. 30 so that a faster, more efficient and less costly type of
delivery can begin, she said. Comments
Congress turning to social media as use of mail privileges declines
Franking spending comes as Congress also
deals with the need to reform the U.S. Postal Service, which reported a
$1.9 billion loss in the second quarter of this year. While annual
Congressional franking represents a fraction of the USPS’ revenue, which
was $65 billion in 2012, members may have to grapple with the future
closure of offices in their districts. With other cutbacks possible,
delayed access to constituents via traditional mail could become a
drawback. Comments
More postal workers report delays in mail operations
Missouri: More employees of the Richard G. Wilson
Processing and Distribution Facility in Cape Girardeau have come forward
and said they have noticed a delay in local mail operations and delivery.
They also are concerned about their future employment with the
mail-processing facility. Comments
Video: Dayton,OH Letter Carrier
mauled by pit bull is improving
On same route,
Chelmsford, MA carrier follows in father's footsteps
Postal investigators target drug trade through U.S. Mail
Louisiana Postal Employees Guilty Of Theft
Abington Post
Office gets second black eye
September 14, 2013
Chula Vista
woman says postal worker who pepper-sprayed dog was not in
Goodbyes sealed with sadness as Pope Post Office closes
Boulder: Postal facilities relocated due to flooding
Thieves target
the postal worker’s master key to gain access to hundreds of
mailboxes and personal information, officials say
September 13, 2013
the Removal of Congress and their Staff From FEHBP Help PMG Donahoe’s
The National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association (NARFE)
recently sent comments opposing OPM's proposed rule
to the Affordable Care Act, to remove
members of Congress and their staff (employed by their official / personal
office) by the federal government Comments
USPS develops facility ranking strategy to align staffing across entire mail processing network
USPS continues operational efficiency
initiatives As a part of its network optimization effort, USPS has
developed a facility ranking strategy to align staffing across the entire
mail processing network. Included in this strategy are processing and
distribution centers, processing and distribution facilities, logistics
and distribution centers, network distribution centers, international
service centers and annexes. Comments
USPS collaborates with eBay to sell, auction postal merchandise
USPS has announced it will be collaborating
with eBay, one of the world’s largest marketplaces, to open a Postal Store
The new website will offer stamps and other USPS-related merchandise for
sale Comments
USPS Names Nemec Consumer and
Industry Affairs VP
USPS Schedules Full-Service
Intelligent Mail Webinars
official says consolidation of Long Beach mail processing with LA facility went
Meet The U.S. Postal Service Worker Who Stole Hollywood Mail
Police investigating Postal Robbery in Patterson CA
Township officials call on congressman to
help resolve Chinchilla Post Office issues
Postal Service Faces Major Societal Shift
Royal Mail privatization - the key
questions answered
September 12, 2013
Ohio Mailman Walks Again After 2012 Accident
After 16 surgeries and several months of
physical therapy, a central Ohio mailman seriously injured in an accident
is once again walking. Doug Poole's legs were crushed in January, 2012
when a car struck him as he stood behind his mail truck.
Senate Subcommittee Holds Hearing on Dental Care Crisis In America
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), chairman of the Senate Subcommittee on
Primary Health and Aging, will hold a hearing to discuss the dental crisis
and call attention to the lack of access to affordable dental care for
millions of Americans. The hearing will focus on the factors contributing
to the high cost of dental care, the cost of untreated oral health
problems, and models to improve access to dental services. More than four
out of 10 American adults skipped trips to the dentist because they lacked
insurance and could not afford out-of-pocket payments Comments
Senate Postal Hearing on September 19th
Unions' Misgivings On Health Law Burst Into View
USPS Workers Part of Program To Distribute Meds in Bio-Attack
Fighting Goliath: In defense of the post office and the public trust
The Postal Service has a brand new bag: A post office or mail delivery, but
not both
Covington man admits taking stamps from Metairie post office
Here’s Why You Can Mail Scorpions But Not Spiders
Neighborhood mourns death of popular San Rafael
mail carrier
Manhattan mail goes missing for a month.
US Bankruptcy Court Approves Cenveo’s
Acquisition of National Envelope
Britain defies unions with plan to sell
Royal Mail in weeks
Cash-strapped Postal Service to rent mail
September 11, 2013
NALC’s Rolando asks AFL-CIO convention for help with postal reform
Speaking on Sept. 11 to the delegates to the 2013 AFL-CIO convention, NALC
President Fredric Rolando delivered a number of messages that took many of
those gathered inside the Los Angeles Convention Center by surprise.
AFL-CIO Adopts Pro-Postal Resolution-
On the final day of the AFL-CIO
convention, postal unions joined forces to win passage of a resolution
favoring “Innovation and Growth, Not Downsizing and Decline” for the U.S.
Postal Service
Hegarty Calls On AFL-CIO to help defeat anti-unionism in debate over
postal reform - President
Hegarty commented that the NPMHU with support from other postal union
affiliates of the AFL-CIO have worked to build broad public coalitions to
resist more damaging austerity in the Postal Service and to build support
for sensible reform. Comments
Apple Quietly Drops USPS Delivered Greeting Cards
App For iPhoto Sent via FedEx -
The Cards app was suppose to be a "new
revenue stream for USPS" that is generated online. USPS said, "Forget the
talk that electronic messages will spell the end of traditional mail. The
initiative is an excellent example of how it’s working with industry to
infuse the mail experience with technology." . Comments
Mailers in Talks with Postal Unions to Forestall Rate Increase
The governors gave us two weeks to see if
mailers and postal employees could rally to push for postal reform,” says
Jerry Cerasale, SVP of government affairs at the Direct Marketing
Association, a member of the AMA. “So we have been talking with all four
unions and we hope that, if they see some movement in the right direction,
the governors will ask for an increase based on the Consumer Price Index
and not file for an exigent increase. Comments
Large Mailers Undeserved Rate Discounts
Burrus Journal - To maximize the use of postal automation and employees,
mail that is discounted is routinely mixed with non-discounted mail and
the Postal Service absorbs the cost without payment by the mailer(s). The
bluff by the large mailers that volume will be affected if forced to pay
the full rate is their constant threat but is as described – a bluff. This
is a form of blackmail that unless the Postal Service provides a service
that is subsidized by single piece first class mail they will not use the
service. This is hogwash and is unrelated to the use of mail to achieve
commercial activities. Comments
Truth-Out: Don't Shrink the Postal
Service; Expand It
Ballots Mailed in Election of APWU National Union Officers
Ex-postal worker nabbed for fraud on
'Price is Right' gets probation
Well known postmaster earns trip to
Washington, D.C.
Amazon.com: Dianne Feinstein's Husband
Sells Post Offices to His Friends, Cheap
New Report Describes Conflicts of Interest
Navajo Nation: Nazlini gets a new post
Federal workforce shrinks further
September 10, 2013
Opinion: Five-day mail delivery burdens letter carriers
This reduction of service will, among other things, result in letter
carriers being unable to complete their rounds until late afternoon or
early evening on Mondays. As a recently retired carrier, I can attest to
the fact that Mondays already are usually the most burdensome day of the
week, what with no mail delivery on Sundays. With Saturday delivery
eliminated, letter carriers will be delivering three days worth of mail on
Mondays. Even worse, seven or eight times a year, there will be an
unprecedented three consecutive days of no mail delivery. This will be the
result of a federal holiday falling in the Friday through Monday range. Comments
Rosemarie Fernandez named USPS Employee Resource Management VP
PMG Pat Donahoe has announced the selection
of Rosemarie Fernandez as Employee Resource Management VP, effective
immediately. Fernandez has held the position on an acting basis since June
3, 2013. Comments
Video: NRLCA Calls for Restoration of Bioterrorism Protection Program
the weeks and months following the September 11 attacks, rural letter
carriers nationwide stepped forward to volunteer for a program called the
National Postal Model (formerly part of the Cities Readiness Initiative),
which utilizes the U.S. Postal Service’s one-of-a-kind delivery
infrastructure to respond to potential bioterrorism attacks.
Unfortunately, this program’s funding is at risk of elimination through
federal budget cuts ” Comments
Step by
step Careful process of preserving Post Office murals
USPS lends
a helping hand to Sierra Leone’s postal service
Will a Busy Fall Congressional Schedule Derail Postal Reform?
Video: Flyers Handed Out As Hunt Resumes
For Masked Mail Carrier Robber
Workers Stage Emergency Drill at Kearny Postal Distribution Center
Mail carrier bitten by dog in Flint: a
recurring problem, say USPS authorities
Postal service announces halt in delivery to Pojoaque cluster
September 09, 2013
Federal Unions Raise Concerns About Health Care And Workers Compensation Provisions in Postal Bill
“The health insurance provisions,” the unions wrote in a letter dated
Friday, “will undermine the successful, longstanding Federal Employees
Health Benefits Program (FEHBP) and increase costs for millions of federal
employees, retirees and their families.”
That legislation, they wrote, would allow the
Postal Service “to cherry-pick the largest areas of cost savings from the
(Federal Employees Health Benefits Program), which will destabilize the
FEHBP and raise costs for federal employees, retirees and their families.” Comments
Analysis of the Carper/Coburn Postal Reform Bill
NAPS believes that the legislation falls short of the progress made by the
Senate in its passage of S. 1789 during the 112th Congress. While we
compliment Chairman Carper and Ranking Member Coburn for their bipartisan
efforts, we believe the bill should be revised in conformance with the
following comments. Our comments are organized by section of the bill and
incorporate descriptions of the provisions contained in the
section-by-section summary prepared by HSGAC staff. Comments
Most dangerous jobs: Postal work tops list among federal civilian positions
terms of federal jobs, postal work is by far the most dangerous: Last
year, postal employees constituted a third of all federal civilian
employees in the United States who died on the job, according to
preliminary numbers from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. In 2012, 54 feds
were killed on the job, a sharp jump from 41 in 2011. Postal workers made
up 18 of those in 2012, up from 15 in 2011. The numbers include federal
civilian employees within the United States and not civilians overseas,
such as Foreign Service or intelligence workers, and they exclude
employees who died because of an illness or who are military personnel. Comments
No Email-Addresses Will Be Released To Any Candidate
Masked man robs Florida Letter Carrier of Truck Key
Mail stolen from boxes in Northumberland County
Mail-processing center will move from Durango,
CO To Albuquerque, New Mexico
Forum set for Escondido postal closure
Video: Pennsylvania Post Office Closed After Car Rams Into
Neopost USA Launches Multi-Channel Document Delivery System
Fate Unclear for Closing House Post
Offices' Space
September 08, 2013
Did You Know USPS Grants Rate Discounts Between $14-$18 Billion Per Year?
Burrus Journal - A Ponzi
Scheme -That’s right, $14 to $18
billion every year. Recently, in response to a question by a Congressman
the postmaster general gave this unbelievable number. It is unacceptable
that he did not have an exact number with a range of four billion dollars,
but rate discounts have become such an integral part of subsidizing
commercial businesses that he could only provide an estimate. You have
heard repeated announcements about the five billion dollar annual future
health care payment but not one word about this $14 billion subsidy. Comments
Occupy bike swarm blocks private truck at Portland mail facility
Communities and Postal Workers United Occupy Portland's bike swarm joined
"postal protectors" to block a private mail truck leaving the Mt. Hood
Distribution Center (US Postal Service) today, demanding that postal
management stop subcontracting the trucking of "the people's mail."
(9/08/13) Comments
Berkeley looks at new zoning to help save post office
Activists have worked for more than a year to stop the sale of the
historic downtown (Berkeley, CA) post office. Now they may get a new weapon in their
fight against the United States Postal Service sale: A zoning law to
restrict the use of the post office property and the use of other nearby
historic sites, Speaking for the U.S. Postal Service, Clark Morrison, an
attorney argued against the proposal." We are concerned that this is an
attempt to chill any possible sale of the facility should the property be
placed on the market....Commissioners became visibly frustrated
questioning Morrison, when he was unable to detail the steps the Postal
Service is taking to sell the post office building and relocate its
functions or to say what might result from the dialogue he was proposing. Comments
Rural mail carrier's book "The Laughing Postman "
Postal Service doesn’t want your
The Greeting Card Industry Has a Special Message for the Postal Service
Video: Postmaster at small post office
in Fisty, KY gets a surprise on last day
Alabama mail carrier arrested on charge of opening mail
September 06, 2013
Father and
son plead guilty to million-Dollar bulk mail fraud
commemorates Battle of Lake Erie on stamp
Postal Facilities to Fly American Flag at half -staff on September 11th
USPS to hold public meeting on Vallejo,
CA Post Office's fate
Aspen to get new postmaster in October,
filling oft-vacant post
Post office flag flap angers military mom
2 Abington postal workers charged with
ID theft
September 05, 2013
USPS BOG postpones price increase decision
The Postal Service Governors met today at a regularly scheduled Board
meeting. As part of the agenda, the Governors considered pricing issues,
including the possibility of filing for price adjustments," the USPS said
in a statement. "The Governors continue to listen to stakeholders and have
postponed final pricing decisions until the next scheduled Board of
Governors meeting, Sept. 24 – 25, 2013."We Spoke. They Listened. Postal Governors Delay Decision on Postal Rate
Increase Comments
USPS Revision to Privacy and FOIA Handbook Includes Contacting Former Employees
the Postal Service is revising
Handbook AS-353, Guide to Privacy and the Freedom of Information Act, to
include the several modifications Comments
Will mailers be asked to pay more to help the US Postal Service?
The Postal Board of Governors is scheduled to meet behind closed doors
Thursday to consider a path to solvency for the money-losing U.S. Postal
Service that includes a potential price increase that's alarming mailers
of newspapers and magazines, advertising and other bulk correspondence.
Lobbyists: Postal
Service will try to hike stamp price Comments
APWU Files Charges With PRC Over USPS Failure to Comply With Service Standards
- The APWU filed a complaint with the Postal
Regulatory Commission (PRC) on Sept. 5 charging that the USPS is failing
to comply with its own service standards and is depriving individuals,
small businesses and organizations of the service they are entitled to by
law. Comments
Ten Postal Employees and Two Doctors Indicted For Worker's Compensation Fraud
The investigation initially focused on doctor and the medical documentation he completed to
support the permanent disability of USPS claimants. Comments
Video: Albany, GA Post Office to keep lease for another year
Clarksburg, WV
facility shifts from mail processing to retail center only
UPDATE: Kentucky Mail carrier finds bone marrow match
USPS Mailing Standards revision requires balloting materials to show postage
must be paid
USPS To Issue Ray Charles Forever Stamp on Sept. 23rd
Mail Processing Moves to Albany, NY
A New Tool
from the TSP
Return of Overtime Helps Cut Retirement Backlog in August
The Stamp
Stop: A look at ATM innovation
Postal delays in Wisconsin State Farmer
newspaper delivery increasing
Car Drives Into Gearhart Post Office
USPS Names New Phoenix Postmaster
Who Owns 100-year-old mailbox removed from
Torrington, CT Main Street?
Yale University Post Office faces continued delays
Customers receiving bogus USPS emails
USPS enforces "No dogs allowed" policy at Post Office in Minnesota
truck struck, killed 79-year-old pedestrian in Perris, CA
Postal carriers will collect eyeglasses on Friday
September 04, 2013
NAPS: USPS to Offer Early Retirement to all PCES and Field EAS
In the last few days, the Postal Service’s
plan to re-rank mail processing plants has become public knowledge despite
their best efforts to keep the information confidential until September 6,
Notifies Postmaster Organizations that Postmasters will be Included in VER
Offer Comments
Video: The Labor Picture – How to Save The USPS
The Big Picture” with Thom Hartmann. Interview with NALC President Fredric
Rolando. Comments
Court Ruling Grants Equal Access to Email Lists for APWU Challenger Candidates
In a win for the principles
of union democracy, incumbent officers of the American Postal Workers
Union (APWU) must allow challengers running for union leadership
positions to use the organization’s database of member email addresses to
send out campaign literature
No Email-Addresses Will Be Released To Any Candidate” Comments
NC Postal Supervisor Sentenced To 16 Months in Prison for Lying
on Workman’s Comp Document As
a condition of his receipt of compensation benefits, Catone was required
to periodically report, among other things, any employment,
self-employment and volunteer work he had undertaken or income he had
earned in the preceding fifteen months on the DOL OWCP Form EN1032 Comments
Hallmark struggles to update its card
Man gets 33 months in prison for trying to
rob Woodville, TX post office
Postal Service rolling out 175,000 mobile
phones to collect real-time data
September 03, 2013
Could a New Union Leadership Stop Sell-Off of Post Office?
Labor Notes -
A diverse slate of local leaders is making
a bid to unseat the national officers of the American Postal Workers
Union—and the stakes couldn’t be higher. “We’re at a crossroads,” said Mark
Dimondstein, the Members First Team’s candidate for president. “At the
core of this whole struggle is whether the post office is going to be
decisively privatized and turned over to profit-making entities and
low-paid, non-union jobs—or remain a public entity that serves all the
people and maintains good-paying union jobs.” Comments
Congressional action, not price
hike, USPS answer
by Jerry Ulickey plant director of Quad/Graphics
- It is often said that small businesses fuel
the country's economic engine, and statistics certainly back up this
assertion. The U.S. Postal Service recognizes the importance of this sector
to our overall economy and its continued recovery, as illustrated by its
2012 marketing campaign targeting small businesses to support the USPS's
growth and financial stabilization. That's why it's puzzling that USPS
would propose to raise postal rates beyond inflation and risk devastating
millions of the very "mom and pop" companies it just targeted for more
business. But that is exactly what the USPS could decide to do. As early as
Thursday, the USPS Board of Governors could use "exigent" (legalese for
"emergency") authority provided by Congress to impose price hikes far in
excess of inflation. Comments
Mail Truck iPhone, iPad APP for Kids
Recently, I found this fun and cute
interactive app "Mail Truck" for Kids . The app has been around
since last year. The app is compatible with:
iPod Touch 3 & 4 generation, iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 5 & all iPads. Comments
Retirement Funds Return to the Red in
St. Paul Postal Building to Become
BERNER: Addressing Mailbox Obsolescence
Roseburg letter carrier retires after 53
How the USPS merges compliance, security
in its huge enterprise
USPS augments computer network to handle
ever-expanding service
Missouri Letter Carrier Under Investigation for Exposing Himself To Female
3D Printing: Sparking an E-Commerce Revolution
Postal Services To Resume In Pike County After Fire Destroys Post Office
Students do not expect to be affected by USPS cuts
September 02, 2013
What in the world has happened to our U.S. postal system?
Column: Postal mindset must improve - We were at the local post office the other
day asking to renew our passports. The lady behind the counter said, “I
can't help you today. I am the only one working today and you will have to
come back.” What? Besides her lament of being a lone clerk in a city of
26,000 people, there was a room full of customers patiently waiting their
turn at the counter. One person on duty on a busy business day in our town and only one
person available to wait on mail customers is a miscarriage of what we as
Americans stand for. The U.S. mail is one of the strongest stalwarts
of our society, and to hinder this process by understaffing this
centuries-old institution is just plain unfair to the residents of our
community Comments
St. Louis processing center overwhelmed following switch to earlier mail pickup time
Greg Davidson,
president of American Postal Workers Local Union 4088, works the night
shift manually sorting flats, or large envelopes, catalogues and
newspapers, at the Richard G. Wilson Processing and Distribution Facility
in Cape Girardeau.
Davidson said he has witnessed customers receive newspapers two days after
their publication date, and residents of Gideon, Mo. get water shut-off
notices two days after their water was shut off. He said the delay in the
mailing system stems from the mail processing center in St. Louis being
overwhelmed by the volume of mail
Postal Service says facilities not experiencing delays
Texas: Owner of “Mail Drop” Convicted of
Manufacturing and Selling Counterfeit Postage
US Postal Service to re-evaluate plans for
Coralville post office
The Postal Service updates its five-year
plan: A Labor Day Story
A million miles through snow, rain, heat
Targeted in E-mail Borne Malware
September 01, 2013
OIG Studying Opportunities for USPS to Reduce its Leave Benefits Costs
The U.S. Postal Service Office of Inspector
General intends to award a firm fixed price contract to a Supplier who
possesses specific subject matter expertise in employee benefits. Comments
USPS Management Proposing A New Retirement System
Under the Postal Reorganization Act, the
Postal Service is obligated to provide wages and benefits comparable to
those provided in the private sector. However, Postal Service management
believes that the FERS system is more costly and does not compare to
retirement benefits provided in the private sector. Comments
Police release sketch of Palo Alto,CA post office bandit